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Industrial Fabric Covered Buildings





Fabric Covered Building Engineering Information

Engineering Drawing 1


Engineered Building Drawings


These drawings are provided by Milestones with the purchase of your building. They are required for permitting the building and it will be necessary to have them prepared before finalizing foundation drawings.  The design process for building drawings takes into account site snow and wind loads, as well as the building configuration in order to ensure that your building will meet all code requirements.


Engineering Drawing 2


Engineered Foundation Drawings


These drawings will be required for both permitting and construction.  During this step the foundation engineer will take into account the foundation type, soil compaction and composition, and the loads exerted by the building.  Using this information he will design a foundation that will stand up to the expected loading.


Engineering Drawing 3



Soil Test


A soil test will provide the foundation engineer with definite numbers for soil compaction and composition. This allows him to design a foundation for your site as opposed to an assumed worst case scenario. Although this step is not always a requirement it is highly recommended as added insurance and can quite often save you more money than it costs.


Civil Engineering

General civil engineers work closely with surveyors and specialized engineers to manage projects within their given site by designing grading, drainage, pavement, water supply, sewer service, electric and communications supply and land divisions


Fire Protection Engineering


Fire protection engineers typically design safeguards that aid in fighting fires, such as alarm, sprinkler, and smoke control systems. They are also involved at the design stage where structural design work is being done, and they provide expert advice on material choices and in the protection of structural members.


Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineers help to design and implement electrical systems in to your project.  By taking into account the expected electrical draws and the current code requirements, they will help to design an effective and most importantly a safe electrical infrastructure.


Environmental Engineering

Environmental engineers help to determine the environmental impact that a project will have on a particular site.  They will utilize their analysis in order to design and implement procedures to remediate the effects of a project on the environment.


Should you require further information regarding engineering of fabric buildings please email us:




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